Thursday, December 30, 2010


We buried Skitzo along side our Chance on Christmas Day 2010.

Her daddy of course made a marker and she was buried in a purple box with her favorite slinky toy.

It was very difficult to put her in the ground.

We've spoken out getting another bun, but it's too soon, maybe one day!

I have to say looking back at this blog, I only wished I would have journaled 2010. We were living a happy life with her and no major issues so my Skitzo's Life blog fell to the side this year. I am happy that I started this blog and now have her first year with us journaled LOL even if nobody reads it!

Our kitties Cleo & Middy are about to turn 16 and we can't be more blessed having our two girls (as spoiled as they both are) with us still and healthy!

Hannah is also doing well, but we have considered finally getting another pup. My Princess left us 4 years ago and it may be time to bring new life into the house.

On to the new year.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


It's with a heavy heart that I say that my Skitzo bunny passed away yesterday 12/24/10, Christmas Eve Morning around 3:30 am.

Too fast.

She missed her evening meal and our intentions were to take her to the vet in the morning, sadly she didn't make it thru the night. In the early day she was eating, bouncing and seemed fine.

I held her in my arms as she took her last breath and it was devastating but knowing that she had a good life and that she was as spoiled as she could be, gives me great joy.

My heart aches.

As you know her condo was in our bedroom. I woke up and the first thing I did was open her condo door, say good morning and give her a dose of a.m. love.

Next she would go with her daddy to school and after school run errands the ladies at the market, banks and regular stops all knew her and asked for her when she didn't accompany her daddy on his stops.

Then home she would come for a treat from Mom and her afternoon love!

She'd relax and distress after a long day at work (aka school) by lounging the rest of the day.

In the evening she would come out of her condo, bed bounce, get on mom's computer and then conquer my hands, sometimes for hours going back and forth from bed bouncing to her condo. She ventured off the bed only a few times in her short life, once when the dog got her scruff and a second time when she sprained her foot. She learned not to leave the bed and it was her playpen.

Now her condo is dimmed and covered. I couldn't stand looking at the empty space where she belongs.

She was a joy to have for the short time and will be sorely missed by me and her daddy, the kids at school and the community at large.

Now, she's sitting with Jesus on His special day eating cake made of carrots, greens and hay! Enjoy my little bun girl, mama loves you!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

She had a great weekend!

Skitzo is doing better and better each day!
Yesterday she began drinking water out of her water bottle, a feat that I was told would take weeks because the sucking hurts her stomach muscles, so yeah for the monster!
She is healing nicely




I can see she is a bit boredbut I don't want to chance her overdoing it so she's still hasn't been able to go downstairs of her condo. Is this wrong? who knows but for now she is safe and comfortable!

Have a few bunny questions, so I'm trying to write them down for Thursday when her stitches come out....lets see how much is too much food? She eats, and eats and eats! oh yeah and what about shots? yea or nay? and I found a list of veggies online, but she only likes a few so eats more greens and fruit YIKES! so what other veggies can she eat? more to come!

Thank you for all you crazy rabbit lovers for reading my ill written blog about our crazy Skitzo!
Have a great week!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Post Op Day 2

We have settled in with our little girl!
She is doing so much better today
in fact, she is doing so much better then we could have ever imagined
She's bouncing around


and is trying to use her potty.

We've blocked off the downstairs to her condo and I think she's getting bored!
Is this possible after going through this?

Everything I read says she should still be groggy and out of it.
We have a Super-Bunny!!
Post op pix Day 2

Bunny lovers - if you see something in this pictures that shouldn't be, please contact me! Thanks!


It's been a rough couple of weeks with Skitz
Teenagehood was in full force.

Chewing everything and the worse was the spraying!

I knew that we needed a fix immediately.

So I made an appointment - the first.
Wednesday July 8th, 2009 @ 8:00 am we put Skitzo in the carrier
We took Skitzo to the Vet
We tried for 5 months to compare the Internet pictures
to what we had in front of us
we couldn't tell
we laughed it off and just called Skitzo a him
I told the vet office that I think he is a male....
At 1:00 we got a call
Skitzo is a GIRL!
So, who knew.
Baby Girl Bun was Spayed
She got home safe sound but very groggy
Baby girl was so out of it
Sleep was her friend
However she must have taken the surgery
very well
by an hour of being home she was drinking water
and by the end of night she was eating
not a lot
but enough not to worry about her digestive tract
She woke up this morning feel better
chewing her paper, veggies gone and
she must have found her potty - no wet spots
Now instead of a bratty boy, we have a princess spoiled girl!!
Her daddy is now again surrounded by nothing but girls!
First time bunny owner is learning day-by-day!
Oh by the way she is not a dwarf lop bunny, but a mini-lop bunny!
Who knew??

Friday, July 3, 2009


So Skits has been doing this lately


He'll thump his hind feet in his cage when he wants attention


he's being ignored

His way to say "HEY"!

It's the funniest thing ever

Gotta love a spoiled child!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Little Skitzo aka Bun is the most spoiled bunny in the world!

His daddy has now built him a two story condo and has the run of the bed.

But wait, with all the space he has his favorite spot is my back!

If he is not on my back he is putting his nose under my hand to be petted.

It's very strange to have a different type of pet and learning his habits and traits!
This is a pix of Bun trying to get out of his cage when it was dinner time!